Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Friendly Fire!!!

Thank you very much for the thought provoking comments. In the future I will make a whole post to  address some comments.

Onto my next qualm...

Feminist seem to have a multi directional approach when it comes to actual and perceived encroachments into their rights. If you gloss over some of the more popular websites you'll find an array of topics ranging from problems of the past to present day concerns and then just strange nit picking. Stories about transsexuals, homosexuals and minorities are everywhere. So... What direction are we going here? In all honesty it doesn't matter, they can campaign for it all and really the only harm done is a little confusion on the part of the reader. What gets me is that while they have no problem lumping all of these issues into their own agenda the moment someone on the outside makes a comment or forms an opinion they are an asshole and should be run out of town at bayonet point.

Now before I get accused for trying defend my blog I'm not. You can either take what I say as constructive criticism or just the rantings of a mad man, could hardly care less. My plan in writing at all is to add a voice to the cause. After I finish describing what I feel are major faults with the current movement I want to start writing positive articles to bolster its collective thinking.

Now lets blend those two paragraphs!

Like it or not no black congressmen freed the slaves, no female senator passed an amendment that allowed women the right to vote or run for office and no homosexual candidate will legalize homosexual marriage. The key to the whole game of politics is to appeal to the majority. That is why in my last two posts I pointed out the rampant derogatory nature of the feminist movement and why I am now pointing out the hypocrisy in tearing apart the WASP for taking your side. Now this is not to say that there are truly terrible men in this world, men who look at feminist as some sort of devil cult and that women should be in the kitchen. Fuck those guys but don't do it obviously. Let the rantings of Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh create enough rope to hang themselves. Yes I know they have a strong following but here is the thing. Those two dicks are people and people get old, dull and eventually die. Movements can last forever so long after they are dead people will still be listening to your message so long as you don't short yourself out. Insulting the male sex, insulting peoples intelligence, and striking down any support you may gain from the other side is a fools tactic and a sure way to loose support with the majority.

Now since I brought up tactics lets look at a movement that has gained a lot of ground in recent years. The homosexual movement.

There were two fronts to the movement and while both were not perfect they have gone from being jailed and thrown into mental hospitals to being able to marry in some states.

1. There was the loud and proud. The gays that marched in parades, spoke, clothed and acted in an outrageous manor in order to gain attention to the movement. They brought homosexuality to forefront of the media and made it clear that they were not going away, that this was their lifestyle choice or not and people were going to learn to deal with it.

2. The silent majority. These were the brains, the people who dressed and acted just like mainstream America. This part of the movement lobbied and fought the battles in government but most importantly they spread their movement by simply stating the facts. We are your brothers, your sisters, your moms and dads, your co-workers and neighbors we are everywhere. This rational helped people realize that they were normal people who enjoyed the company of their own sex. This logical approach demystify-ed who they were to the public. Once they could wrap their heads around that you started to see them really move forward.

If this buys me any brownie points I just want to point out that I really don't care if its a choice or just who you are. I don't believe society has any right to decide what is best for you and they certainly should be able to tell you how to conduct your sexual behaviour.

Before we move forward I want to point out there is a very clear difference between the loud and proud and insulting. There was an element of the Gay Pride movement that poked at the heterosexuals but this was a small fraction and was rebuked by the majority. This little fraction could have caused them a lot of harm had it been allowed to grown and fester.

 The ability to gain sympathy from the majority and the endearment of the political side of things is essential to any movement and while this may go against some of the core principals of the feminist movement (Don't be a damsel in distress) you have to concede some things in the name of progress.

That is about all I got this post. Happy Holidays and enjoy the wrapping up of another year.

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