Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Friendly Fire!!!

Thank you very much for the thought provoking comments. In the future I will make a whole post to  address some comments.

Onto my next qualm...

Feminist seem to have a multi directional approach when it comes to actual and perceived encroachments into their rights. If you gloss over some of the more popular websites you'll find an array of topics ranging from problems of the past to present day concerns and then just strange nit picking. Stories about transsexuals, homosexuals and minorities are everywhere. So... What direction are we going here? In all honesty it doesn't matter, they can campaign for it all and really the only harm done is a little confusion on the part of the reader. What gets me is that while they have no problem lumping all of these issues into their own agenda the moment someone on the outside makes a comment or forms an opinion they are an asshole and should be run out of town at bayonet point.

Now before I get accused for trying defend my blog I'm not. You can either take what I say as constructive criticism or just the rantings of a mad man, could hardly care less. My plan in writing at all is to add a voice to the cause. After I finish describing what I feel are major faults with the current movement I want to start writing positive articles to bolster its collective thinking.

Now lets blend those two paragraphs!

Like it or not no black congressmen freed the slaves, no female senator passed an amendment that allowed women the right to vote or run for office and no homosexual candidate will legalize homosexual marriage. The key to the whole game of politics is to appeal to the majority. That is why in my last two posts I pointed out the rampant derogatory nature of the feminist movement and why I am now pointing out the hypocrisy in tearing apart the WASP for taking your side. Now this is not to say that there are truly terrible men in this world, men who look at feminist as some sort of devil cult and that women should be in the kitchen. Fuck those guys but don't do it obviously. Let the rantings of Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh create enough rope to hang themselves. Yes I know they have a strong following but here is the thing. Those two dicks are people and people get old, dull and eventually die. Movements can last forever so long after they are dead people will still be listening to your message so long as you don't short yourself out. Insulting the male sex, insulting peoples intelligence, and striking down any support you may gain from the other side is a fools tactic and a sure way to loose support with the majority.

Now since I brought up tactics lets look at a movement that has gained a lot of ground in recent years. The homosexual movement.

There were two fronts to the movement and while both were not perfect they have gone from being jailed and thrown into mental hospitals to being able to marry in some states.

1. There was the loud and proud. The gays that marched in parades, spoke, clothed and acted in an outrageous manor in order to gain attention to the movement. They brought homosexuality to forefront of the media and made it clear that they were not going away, that this was their lifestyle choice or not and people were going to learn to deal with it.

2. The silent majority. These were the brains, the people who dressed and acted just like mainstream America. This part of the movement lobbied and fought the battles in government but most importantly they spread their movement by simply stating the facts. We are your brothers, your sisters, your moms and dads, your co-workers and neighbors we are everywhere. This rational helped people realize that they were normal people who enjoyed the company of their own sex. This logical approach demystify-ed who they were to the public. Once they could wrap their heads around that you started to see them really move forward.

If this buys me any brownie points I just want to point out that I really don't care if its a choice or just who you are. I don't believe society has any right to decide what is best for you and they certainly should be able to tell you how to conduct your sexual behaviour.

Before we move forward I want to point out there is a very clear difference between the loud and proud and insulting. There was an element of the Gay Pride movement that poked at the heterosexuals but this was a small fraction and was rebuked by the majority. This little fraction could have caused them a lot of harm had it been allowed to grown and fester.

 The ability to gain sympathy from the majority and the endearment of the political side of things is essential to any movement and while this may go against some of the core principals of the feminist movement (Don't be a damsel in distress) you have to concede some things in the name of progress.

That is about all I got this post. Happy Holidays and enjoy the wrapping up of another year.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Unrealistic realities

[If you have not read my introduction yet please scroll down, I don't want anybody to come away with the idea that I am just a he man woman hater. I don't hate women by any stretch of the means. I love women very much and I want something similar to what they want. I call it equality, its the idea that neither sex is weaker but rather through our separate strengths we can make the most out of what this world has to offer.]

Unrealistic expectations are one of my daily opinions interjected into conversations about feminism. It is often deflected with a strategy that would seem to imply you can have your cake and eat it too. This is impossible and like it or not there are consequences for all of the things we do...

"I can dress however I want, I am a free woman and it is my right!"

Correct you are! However I have the right to be a complete asshole on the Internet, if I do so I will suffer the outcome of being made an outcast, I will be avoided in conversation and nobody will take me seriously.

Fashion has always been on the risque side of culture, it is and should be about the exploration of beauty to the human eye. Designers go to extreme lengths to make something nobody has every seen before and some of those garments push the envelope for what is acceptable in a prudish culture. Yes I say prudish because lets face it. Society has a double standard, while sex is glorified in every aspect there are taboos in fashion that still bother them. This in my eyes only applies in conversation when you take in account the amount of respect you are seeking from your audience. To put it simply, if you want to be treated like an educated adult you have to dress the part. This is not a male decree this is a social rule. I couldn't get a job on wall street dressed like a clown or a gangster thug and nobody can give a speech on human rights dressed in their 13 year old sister's clothes. Does this happen often? Well it all depends on your perception. I tend to take anyone I come across in day to day interaction seriously, and I think most conversation of any decent caliber happen in small groups or in coffee shops and everyday interaction. Every moment is a chance to change someones view on any topic so be prepared. I'm not saying everyone has to walk around in their finest apparel, my point is that you have an opportunity everyday and if you walk around in fashion unbecoming of moment it will bite you in the ass. This goes for males and females.

"Its not fair men can just wear jeans and a t-shirt."

This is a decent argument. Men's fashion has much less flare and beauty its very utilitarian and rightfully so. I can't claim to be a fashion expert but I would venture to guess that fashion is an evolving animal. While I don't foresee jeans and a t-shirt being a mainstream element for women's fashion I do see a shift to more "business casual" type fashion for everyday wear. I must profess a little bit of ignorance in this department so please by all means correct me if I'm wrong and add to the conversation with what you can.

Moving on...

How fashion is dangerous!!!

In my last post I briefly discussed my opinion on how we should deal with rapist, as with most things there are always two sides to a coin. While I will never condone, apologize for or except the despicable act of rape I feel that there is a huge gap in the feminist community regarding the prevention education for rape and other crimes.

How does this tie into fashion? Well I'm trying to branch out a little here, this isn't just a huge post about how women dress, its about unrealistic expectations.

Of course I'm going to be criticized for "victim blaming" if I dare insinuate that how women dress effects how a rapist may choose his victim.

Well... I hate to point out the title again, but...

Dressing very provocatively attracts attention. Admit or not that is the exact reason why women do it, problem is, it attracts all kinds of attention, some of which I don't think anybody wants. I am not repeating the whole "dress like a hooker get treated like one" argument. What I am saying is that while the whole rapist in the bushes waiting to strike thing is not done in the percentages your parents would have you believe, it does happen. Worse yet since rape most often is committed by someone you know you have to take that into account.

To be a responsible adult you must be an educated adult. While our public system is extremely lacking in most cases none more can be worse than the short falls in self defense and self preservation. Men and women of all ages and from all walks of life seem to think they can enjoy a blissful existence where everyone is sane and rational and we can worry about cat calls and woof whistles because there isn't really anything out there than can do us any real harm. WRONG!!! The feminist community does its members a huge disservice by not providing links and information on self defense and yet they love to point out that women are taught from birth to be in fear their whole lives.

So let me get this straight...

Feminist complain because women are taught to fear man but they don't have any resources or information provided to teach women how to use that fear to their advantage???

I'll give you all a quick lesson you can take to the bank.

For an assault to occur you have to have a few elements present.

Ability- The criminal must have the physical ability to commit the act.
Motivation- This should be self explanatory. Its the "why" in the case.
Opportunity- The time and place, person and atmosphere.

With just a look at three key elements lets talk about what you can and cannot control.

You cannot control who attacks you. Chances are the person in question has significant physical ability. In order for you to gain the upper hand, assuming you have exercised proper awareness and avoidance techniques, you must have a tool or tools at your disposal. This/these can consist of blunt objects, sharp objects, chemical aerosols, electrical devices or the greatest equalizer of them all a sidearm. Remember the human mind is the greatest resource you have and you should always be aware of your surroundings and what is going on around you. I cannot recommend this book enough but everyone should have a copy and should read it on an annual basis.

The Gift of Fear by: Gavin De Becker

I have heard people pour countless hours into discussing this part and the short answer is it doesn't matter. There are people in this world wired differently, they perceive this world in a light vastly different from our own. They view you and I as prey and will not think twice about harming, disfiguring or killing us. Yes these are the fringe criminals, but you have no way of telling them apart, they act and look exactly like us. You only find out when its too late and that isn't the time to take a class on how to deal with them.

Lastly we have opportunity:
Police studies have shown time and time again that most criminals will do a fair amount of research about their victims. So you have to perform an inventory of your habits and traits that lend themselves to being easy prey. This is where what you wear and how plays a role into whether or not you are selected. Carrying pepper spray, a tazer, a knife, or a firearm is going to require some effort on your part. Bright flashy color and skimpy outfits attract predators this is just a fact of life. Now does this mean you can never look your best? Absolutely not! Try and find ways to stay in groups on those occasions, have a designated person watching for trouble who may be have some or all of those things. The most important thing here to not offer someone the opportunity to attack you.
(This is a long post all on its own)

Life requires of us many things. We need food, shelter and clothing but all of those things do us no good if someone can just take them from us. Add more complicated variables into the mix and the need to take life seriously presents itself in a much graver light. Be honest with yourself and obtain the training and tools you need to stay safe out there.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Feminism detractors

Alright so I started off with an introduction and have gotten the ball rolling with some outline for the topics ahead. I suppose it is an obligation of mine to now post on said topic.

Things that piss me off about Feminism:

Why do feminist feel that insulting the male population is a great way to get a point across? Point in case...

(The following is an exert not intended to actually discuss the article in anyway.)

Over the last couple of years, street harassment by men toward female-bodied persons (whether cis- or trans-gendered people) has been gaining more attention, both because of the internet (aka the Pit of Misogyny and favorite dwelling of the mansplainers of the world) as well as community and internet projects, such as HOLLABACK! It’s a great thing that the surface has been scratched, and we are finally immersed in the long work of dismantling and transforming rape culture.

The full article can be found at:

Deep breath my male brethren...

Why? What the fuck is a "mansplainer" and since when did the Internet that belongs to no one and everyone become a "Pit of Masogyny"?

Its these kind of insults that if spoken by a male would land him in serious trouble with his community. I feel very strongly that if you want to make points that are perceived well, you should avoid using non candid humor as a means to sound witty or fun. Its disgusting and derogatory, it has no place in such a serious topic and yes I consider Women's rights a very serious topic. I get that your readers are women, feminist women, who want a little pay back for the injustice done to them on such a constant and daily basis and that men aren't suppose to read these stories. Guess what sista, I saw them and I visit that site a lot and read some of the articles at least those of which I can stomach. Its almost like an altered reality were men are animals and women are the intelligent species that are trying to teach the apes how to interact in a modern society by defining the parameters of their interaction. At this point I'm not ready to discuss the topic that article presents, I'm just trying to explain one of the many reasons I detest some feminist arguments. Onto the very last two words of the article, "rape culture".

Rape Culture:

Rape culture is a term which originated in women's studies and feminist theory, describing a culture in which rape and sexual violence against women are common and in which prevalent attitudes, norms, practices, and media condone, normalize, excuse, or tolerate sexual violence against women. Examples of behaviors commonly associated with rape culture include victim blaming, sexual objectification and rape apologism. Use of the term has recently become more common.

To understand this you must understand what rape is and isn't.

Feminist would love it for you to believe that Rape also includes cat calls, whistling, rude or illicit comments, and staring. Yes gents staring at a women who is attractive should be considered rape according to feminist. It is unwanted attention and she is allowed to dress that way, it makes her feel special.

Ladies and Gentlemen I am going on record here as stating that I believe Rape should be punished by death, bonus if the victim gets to carry out the sentence. To define such a horrific act as anything less than forced intercourse or sexual acts involving actual penetration of a body cavity or contact with genitalia maligns just how atrocious the crime really is. I'm sure I'll get drug into the whole, is BLANK rape or isn't it, argument but the crux of my point is that to include any unwanted attention into the mix cheapens the meaning.

No logical, rational and sane individual would allow for the society that is described in the above text unless you start to broaden the term and allow for such watered down argument such as the previously stated. Rape is not tolerated, it is looked at as a horrible crime and is punished by our penal system (not nearly hard enough but for arguements sake). The media covers the hunt for criminals who commit rape and the Law Enforcement community tries their hardest to catch and convict anyone who commits said act. You could make a strong argument for how Hollywood portrays rape in contect and for shock value. "Law Abiding Citizen" was practically devoted to the topic of showing women getting raped in a multitude of ways but as I said at the very beginning "rational and sane individuals".  Hollywood is full of the worst of worst when it comes to humanity, male and female alike.

Getting back on point here, its this kind of attitude that will forever darken all of the light there is to be had for making the world more kind to women. Men and women who don't share such radical views are likely to be turned off by content that is malicious in nature. I don't read over that stuff to get to the good, I get hung up on the insults the largest of which in my eyes in the insinuation that I tolerate a rape culture. Learn to make your arguments in a kinder light and I'll take you seriously.

Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength.
- Eric Hoffer

Feminism through the male eye...

I'll put down my beer can and craftsman wrench for a moment and discuss with you the annoying topic of feminism that encroaches my manly life far more often than I care to deal with.


Yes, yes I did. I just describe the perfect stereotype so often crafted by the feminist left. I call them the left because lets be honest, most would ally themselves with the likes of Eugene Debs and Che Guevara before confessing for a second that Adams, Jefferson and Ayn Rand were good people. I find this to be personally hilarious since historically Communism and Socialism have had no regard for human life, let alone the plight of a feminist society. So who am I? Well I'll explain in a little detail just for formality's sake.

I am a male in my mid 20's, I think that is written somewhere around here. I am a card holding Libertarian that believes in the principles of freedom and personal responsibility. I volunteer a lot my time helping my community and working. I am a musician, a poet and philosopher. I enjoy the outdoors and the open road. I fix things that break, I spit, cuss, drink and smoke. I have a little schooling but a decent grasp of the human mind and an uncanny sense of all that is common. I have been to many places spiritually, physically and emotionally. I have witnessed the death of both friends and family and I have prevented a few in my time. I want to begin this blog to discuss a topic that inevitably rears its head in my life more often than any other and I want to discuss it. With rational thought and through the only perception I have, the male perception. I hope that in the months to follow I can attract a following to discuss and banter back and forth the short comings of a modern society and the exaggerated claims of some feminists.